Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Tate Modern

I love visiting London Art museums. One Museum which i have visited recently is the Tate Modern museum. The Tate modern is Britain's national museum of modern art. An exhibition which i wanted to see was the 'Street Art' exhibition. I wanted to see it because i am intrigued by street art and the whole debate whether it is art or vandalism. I personally think it is a form of art that is created by talented artists. 

The street art exhibition made a huge impact on me, immediately while i was even crossing the bridge over to the museum. There were 6 huge 15 metre tall pieces of street art on display on the outer walls of the gallery. This was extraordinary to see as graffiti is not normally shown in this manner. The six pieces of work were work created by six internationally acclaimed artists, Blu, Faile, Sixeart, JR, Nunca and Os Gemeos.

What i really admired about the exhibition is that this is the start of the transformation of trying to change attitudes of the people, to encourage people to realize that a lot of Graffiti artists are only trying to express their identities and voice over a building (art canvas to them), which the building has itself failed to do so.

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